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Listed under:  Health  >  Safety

experiMENTALS: Levitating balloon

This resource contains a materials and instruction list and brief explanation for students about the process of levitating a balloon.


Cool colour

This is a lesson plan, complete with instructions, materials list, worksheets and photographs of the expected results from the ABC's surfing scientist. The students are encouraged to participate in a first-hand science activity using sugar and colour-coated chocolate lollies.


Sites2See: Insects and Spiders

This page links to a range of materials from the Australian Museums' Bugwise program, with additional materials and activities, including a resource about invertebrates in freshwater.


experiMENTALS: Bouncing balls

This resource contains a materials and instruction list and brief explanation for students to observe what happens when two different sized balls are dropped independently or in vertical contact. The simple explanation relates to transfer of energy.


DIY pH Indicator

This resource contains lessons plans containing instructions and teachers 'notes for an activity based on the natural pH indicator present in red cabbage leaves. It can be extracted following these explicit and clear directions included for this activity. This indicator solution changes colour from purple to bright pink ...


Rate of Photosynthesis

Students use this resource consisting of eight slides with diagrams, written explanation and voice-over to understand how to measure the rate of photosynthesis and understand what factors affect it. A detailed method is suggested for measuring the effect of varying levels of light. There is a two-question quiz and a summary slide.


Be on the Safe Side Year 7-8 The Arts (Drama)

This is a unit of work that uses the concept of rail safety and the setting of the rail network to explore character, roles and situations; there is a particular focus on bullying and the bystander effect. Learning opportunities for students include scripting, performing and revising their own drama. The resource includes: ...


Be on the Safe Side Year 7-8 HPE

This is a unit of work about how to be a safe, active and responsible citizen on and around the rail network. The resource focuses on identifying the hazards and the hazardous behaviours and influences such as emotions and peer pressure that may impact the decisions young people make on and around the rail network. It includes: ...


Carbon is energy

We all use energy every day. Energy is available to us in many different forms - food, heat, electricity, petrol. But where does it all come from? This unit investigates the science of energy, renewable and non-renewable energy sources and how they can be sustained into the future. The unit includes PDF resources and video ...


Fair test

Run experiments in a plant research laboratory. Investigate the effects of different variables on the growth of lettuces, peas and tomatoes. Research the answers to questions about how to achieve optimum hydroponic growth conditions. Examine the effect of key variables on growth: nitrogen, temperature, light intensity and ...


Give me a brake

Investigate braking efficiency of cars and trucks by testing stopping distances under controlled conditions. Test effects of vehicle type, tyres, road surface and weather conditions. Choose driving speed, then apply brakes and compare stopping distances. Estimate distances from target markers. Answer questions about antilock ...